There really isn't much to do around here this time of year so every clear day/night we have I try to get out and take photos. I've had a list of winter photos that I want to get and with the noontime horizon getting brighter every day I feel like I'm running out of time. I wanted to get some photos of McMurdo from the top of Observation Hill, but I was hoping to do it on a clear day to get the Milky Way in the shots. Last weekend was dead calm, but the sky was cloudy, but I figured I'd head up Ob Hill anyway so as not to waste the day. The sky seemed to clear up just as I walked outside leaving me clear skies and auroras for just about an hour until it started to cloud up again on my hike back down to town.
The skies cleared as I started up Ob Hill. |
Right before I headed back to town I decided to do a quick 360 degree panorama and ended up with one of my favorite photos ever. Click to Enlarge. |
McMurdo and Saturn from the top of Ob Hill. |
Winter in Antarctica has left me with time to work on photos and create a website to display and sell them. Check out There are galleries with hundreds of photos for sale! And I'll keep adding photos in the coming months of Antarctica and traveling once I leave here.
The auroras give an ominous glow above the incoming clouds and Scott Base. |
This reminds me of something out of Lord of The Rings. |
The clear skies this weekend left me with many trips out to Hut Point to set up my camera for hours of photos. There will be at least three time lapse videos and star trail images coming up this week. In the meantime I have about 5000 images to deal with.
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